Sunday 11 August 2013

Dota 2 Cheat Codes ...'s an adage that the Dota 2 community often quotes when someone identifies themselves as a new player. "Welcome to Dota 2!" They say, with open arms, before concluding with, "You suck." They're not wrong: for the first dozen hours or so, you'll be bombarded with too much information and an often unforgiving community of extremely competitive players. But if you persevere, Dota 2 becomes one of the most rewarding and tense team-based multiplayer experiences anywhere in gaming. It's an achievement owed to uncompromising depth, a ridiculously generous free-to-play model, and the great features developer Valve has built up around it.

To grasp the subtleties of how heroes interact and fight you have to do more homework on the different kinds of damage and how they're mitigated; how to prevent one type of spell from affecting you, and when you use that countermeasure; how the different kinds of aggro work, and when you need to manipulate them; the timers (which aren't made visible), and how to optimise your play around them.

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